The Crime Directorate and its tasks

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The Crime Directorate and its tasks
Criminal Director Rüdiger Korp heads the Crime Directorate.

The main tasks of the Crime Directorate are the prosecution and investigation of criminal offenses, crime prevention and victim protection. In close coordination, in particular with public prosecutors and courts, all criminal offenses are dealt with here, from criminal damage to homicide.

Victim protection
Victim support
Sie selbst oder einer ihrer Angehörigen sind Opfer einer Straftat oder eines Unglücksfalles oder Sie waren Zeuge eines solchen Ereignisses? Sie alle haben einen Anspruch auf Rat, Hilfe und Unterstützung!
Crime prevention
Offers for prevention
The Crime Prevention / Victim Protection Department is available to you as a point of contact for prevention issues. Burglary protection, violence prevention, youth protection, sexual abuse, senior citizens and internet safety are just some of the topics we cover. You can find out more details here.
Crime prevention
Technical advice
We advise you on how to secure your apartments, houses, stores and businesses.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110