Consolation donations
Victim protection and victim support
The victim protection officers of the Warendorf district police authority provide information

If you, your family, friends, neighbors or acquaintances have been victims of crime or traffic accidents, it is usually difficult to deal with what has happened, the consequences and the thoughts. The experience often has a deep impact on everyday life and life itself.

The aim of victim protection and victim support is to inform and educate those affected about their rights and options. In order to come to terms with the negative and drastic experience, referral to a suitable support organization can also be useful.


In addition to the victim protection officers, all police officers are also available to answer your questions about victim protection, victim support and the police procedure. This means: no matter what has happened to you, when and where - every police officer will answer your questions.


The contact persons and their availability are listed below.


We are with you - your police in the district of Warendorf


Crime victim protection

Warendorf District Police Department
Criminal Investigation Department 2
Crime Prevention/Victim Protection
Waldenburger Str.2-4

Nicole Pellemeyer
Tel: 02581/600-283

Frank Sparla
Tel: 02581/600-291

Fax: 02581/600-290
Email: KPO.Warendorf [at] (KPO[dot]Warendorf[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

Traffic victim protection

Warendorf District Police Department
Traffic Department
Traffic Accident Prevention
Waldenburger Str. 2-4

Michaela Loeber
Tel.: 02581/600-277

Andreas Gäbel
Tel: 02581/600-278

Stephanie Baden
Tel: 02521/911-852

Fax: 02581/600-170
Email: Verkehrsunfallpraevention.Warendorf [at] (Verkehrsunfallpraevention[dot]Warendorf[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110