New technology for the Krefeld police: "mobi.kom" bodycams and smartphones

New technology for the Krefeld police: "mobi.kom" bodycams and smartphones
The Krefeld police have had 36 bodycams (18 per police station) since December 2019 and 260 "mobi.kom" smartphones since January 2020. They were also presented to the public at a press conference on February 7, 2020.


The bodycam is a visible video camera. It is primarily used to prevent acts of violence against police officers and third parties. Evidence-relevant facts can be stored on it in the context of averting danger. The devices, which are attached to uniforms, allow police officers to record sensitive operational situations on video at the touch of a button.

Legal changes make it possible

With the introduction of Section 15c PolG, "Data collection through the use of recording devices worn close to the body", the legal requirements for the use of bodycams were created for the NRW police.

Bodycams are used in strict compliance with the relevant data protection regulations. Officers who are equipped with the camera have received extensive training in its technical and legal use. The use of the cameras must be announced. The notification may only be omitted in the event of direct danger.

The recordings from the bodycams are transferred to local computers at the authorities and deleted from the camera. They remain on the backup computer for 14 days and are then automatically deleted, unless the recordings are required to avert danger or to prosecute criminal offenses and misdemeanors.

So much technology inside

The Axon brand model, type Body 2 weighs 146 grams, about the same as a standard smartphone. Measuring 100mm x 56mm x 30mm, it is the size of the palm of your hand. It records in HD quality with picture and sound. It has a storage capacity of 64 GB and a battery life of 12 hours.

What do the bodycams do?

The procurement of the cameras is the result of a scientifically supported pilot project at the State Office for Central Police Services (LZPD). The de-escalating effect of the cameras on the police counterpart was proven in the project.
The state of NRW has ordered a total of 9000 bodycams. Over the next few months, other operational forces such as district officers and the traffic service will be equipped with the bodycams.

In 2018, Krefeld recorded a total of 156 cases of violence against police officers, including 120 cases of resistance and 36 assaults. 15 colleagues were injured in the process. Figures for 2019 will be presented when the police crime statistics are presented by the Ministry of the Interior.

Mobi.kom smartphones


The mobi.kom devices make everyday police work easier thanks to a police messenger service, an app for search queries and a scan function for ID documents and vehicle license plates, among other things.

Each Krefeld police officer working on patrol duty was given a Mobi.kom smartphone (mobile communication) with specially developed apps. As data queries can be made on site without delay, police officers are relieved and have more time for their core tasks of "security and order".

How they work

The devices are specially protected IPhone 8s and no personal data is stored on them. Encrypted transmissions and a certified police data center also guarantee data security. There are also functions such as remote administration and remote wiping as well as two-factor authentication.

And what they can do

With the Mobi.kom devices, officers have three police-specific programs at their disposal. These are a messenger for communicating with each other, an information app that enables a comparison with the police database and a document scanner that uses artificial intelligence to scan ID cards, driving licenses or license plates, for example. There are also other apps such as email, a press portal and the NiNA warning app. The devices are to remain in operation for five years.

In the future, it will be possible to record minor traffic accidents, file criminal reports after shoplifting and identify people by their fingerprints. It should be possible to transfer verified data directly into reports.

By spring 2020, all authorities in NRW will be equipped with a total of 20,000 smartphones. Krefeld expects another 25 - 30 smartphones.

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