Safe in old age

Seniorin schaut auf ihr Handy. Auf dem Display erscheint die Nummer 110.
Safe in old age
We would like to inform senior citizens and their relatives how they can protect themselves against crime.

You can become a victim of crime anywhere, on the internet, on the move or at home.

Some criminals specialize in robbing older people in particular of their assets. Trick thieves at the front door and fake police officers on the phone are just two examples. We would like to provide you with information and tips to help you avoid falling for the tricks of the crooks.

We offer information and advice sessions as well as presentations.

We will be happy to provide you with personal information by e-mail or telephone (contact details can be found at the top right).

We are happy to attend meetings of senior citizens' groups, clubs, meetings or associations free of charge and inform those involved. These services are expressly not just for senior citizens, but also for their relatives.

If you require specific information, please contact us; general information can be found under the links in the right-hand section above.


Further information of the NRW police

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110