20 years hand in hand

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20 years hand in hand
At the end of last year, the Krefeld police celebrated 20 years of cross-border cooperation with the Politie Eenheid Zeeland West-Brabant. To mark the occasion, a Dutch delegation visited Krefeld police headquarters.

In 1996, the two authorities initiated cross-border cooperation between the Politie Eenheid Zeeland West-Brabant and the Krefeld police - and this tradition continues to this day. This cooperation includes regular exchanges between police officers: Krefeld police officers support the Dutch in Rennesse during the summer months, while Dutch colleagues regularly help their German colleagues in Krefeld during the Advent season. Over the past 20 years, not only has mutual understanding continued to grow, but many friendships have also developed across borders. This cooperation is certainly a positive example of successful inner-European understanding. Hartelijk bedankt voor de goede samenwerking.

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