Police on site

Police on site
Here you will find all the important addresses and contacts.
Police in Krefeld
All contact persons and contact details at a glance.
Here you will find all district offices in Krefeld as well as an overview of the district boundaries.
Have you or one of your relatives been the victim of a crime, an accident or a traffic accident? Or were you a witness to such an event? You are all entitled to advice, help and support!
The Crime Prevention / Victim Protection Department is available to you as a point of contact for prevention issues. Burglary protection, violence prevention, youth protection, sexual abuse, senior citizens and internet safety are just some of the topics we cover. You can find out more details here.
In accordance with the law on the promotion of electronic administration in North Rhine-Westphalia (E-Government Act - EGovG), the Krefeld Police Department offers access for the electronic transmission of documents.
Police on site
Here you will find the addresses and contact details of the police authorities in NRW.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110