We need you to shape a modern police force!
Would you like to combine legal topics with IT knowledge? Then you've come to the right place!

In order to implement digital processes professionally, the NRW police need personnel with IT skills who know the administration with its diverse areas of responsibility, processes, legal foundations and specialist applications and at the same time have the ability to digitally map this knowledge and shape Administration 4.0. By using their specialist expertise to help develop and implement digitization processes, these specialists enable the work of the police officers of the state of NRW.

The NRW police force offers you a dual course of study to become a government inspector in the field of administrative informatics. You will complete the three-year course with a Bachelor of Arts and will therefore be well prepared for the exciting tasks of police administration. You will also have a wide range of career prospects after completing your studies. Through professional development, you will have the opportunity to continue your education and apply your new skills in professional positions that match your level of qualification.

Does that sound right for your skills and career aspirations? Then apply for a job with us, the NRW police! You can find all the information about your application as a government inspector in the field of administrative informatics on this page.

Application and selection procedure

Applications from women are expressly encouraged. They will be given preferential consideration in accordance with the Law on Equality between Women and Men for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. We also welcome applications from severely disabled persons and those with equivalent status within the meaning of Section 2 SGB IX.

1. What do I need to bring with me?

Personal requirements

  • You have German citizenship or the citizenship of an EU member state
  • You have not yet reached the age of 39 on the day of recruitment (exceptions possible, further information can be found here).
  • You live in good financial circumstances. This means existing financial obligations (installment payments, maintenance obligations, repayment of loans) are met on an ongoing basis. Likewise, any existing insolvency proceedings must be fully completed by the time of hiring, including the subsequent good conduct phase.

Health requirements

  • To work as a civil servant, special health requirements apply. These are determined by a public health officer. Your competent recruitment authority will contact you about this during the application process.
  • You can present the full vocational baccalaureate (academic and practical part) or the Abitur
  • or
  • Have you successfully completed advanced vocational training or have you already gained professional experience? This could also be an option for your application.

2. process of your application procedure

You can apply online via the NRW police application portal. In addition to the data you enter online, you will also be asked to send us a number of documents as part of the application process (by post to: LAFP NRW, Dezernat 53, RIA, Weseler Straße 264, 48151 Münster).

We require the following documents:

  • Birth or parentage certificate (as a copy)
  • Identity card or passport (copy)
  • School and possibly professional and examination certificates, further information can be found here.
  • If you obtained your higher education entrance qualification abroad, a certificate of recognition from the certificate recognition office of the Düsseldorf district government
  • If a criminal investigation is/was pending against you or you have already been convicted of a criminal offense, the file number and address of the responsible public prosecutor's office. Please note that discontinued proceedings must also be stated here

3. what happens after my application?

The selection procedure consists of a written online PC test and an oral part of the procedure. Please note that, due to the fact that we select our applicants based on the best candidates, the process can last until the spring or summer of the year of recruitment.
In the first step, the State Office for Education, Training and Personnel Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (LAFP NRW) checks the incoming applications to ensure that the documents are complete and that the application requirements are met.

  • The online PC test begins immediately after we have received your application and checked your requirements. You will receive an invitation email to the email address you provided in your application documents. Please note: The invitation is sent by an external company on behalf of the NRW police.
  • Applicants are then invited to the oral part of the procedure in the order of the test results of the online PC test.
  • The invitation to the oral part of the procedure is normally issued by a local authority. However, this may vary if the test capacities in the authorities are reached. You will receive the invitation via the application portal and by email.
  • A ranking list will now be drawn up by the NRW police. The distribution of recruitment notices will begin in the spring of the recruitment year. Please be patient in this regard, as long as you have not yet received any feedback from us, you are still in the selection process.
  • After successfully completing the selection process and a conditional confirmation of employment by the recruitment and training authority, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination at the public health department. Please send the health certificate you receive after the examination to your responsible recruitment and training authority. 
The dual study program

A dual study program does not only consist of theoretical lessons, as you will be taught a lot of interesting practical content from your future professional life during your studies. To this end, the course is divided into theoretical and practical phases. You complete the theory at the university and the practical elements are taught at the recruitment and training authorities. There are a total of 4 academic study phases and 5 practical phases during the course.

1 The theory

You will learn the theoretical content of your studies at the University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration (HSPV). The study locations are the Hochschule der Polizei und öffentliche Verwaltung (HSPV NRW) in Cologne (for the LKA NRW and LZPD NRW) and in Münster (for the LAFP NRW). You can find an overview of the study locations and the recruitment and training authorities here.

The content of your study phases is varied. In addition to legal, political and social science fundamentals, you will learn various core elements of administrative informatics, including programming, economics and administrative structures.

The theoretical study phases are divided into 7 different module groups (i.e. thematic blocks), with two further compulsory elective blocks allowing you to set individual priorities. The modules are further divided into various sub-modules. The module "Special IT administrative law and technical basics of data security" serves as an example of this.

One sub-module of this module is data protection law. Here you will learn what is important when it comes to data protection, for example how personal data is processed or which special confidentiality regulations apply within authorities. Another sub-module is Internet law, where you will learn about telecommunications and media law. The IT projects module also forms part of the course. Here you will learn about IT consulting/requirements management and IT project management as a sub-module. You can find the specific module overview here.

2. the practice

During your practical phases, you already have the opportunity to get to know your future job. They also give you the opportunity to gain an impression of the area you would like to work in after your studies. During the practical phases, you will support digitization projects, for example. Here you will support the design and development or integration of IT solutions. The further development of IT infrastructures, including with regard to data protection and data security, also forms part of the practical section.

In addition, you can gain an insight into the areas of cost allocation or financial management of the IT organization or IT purchasing or IT training. Another topic in practice is the management of IT services in day-to-day business. By monitoring service level agreements, e.g. by taking part in corresponding meetings between the client and IT service provider, you will get to know the mediation between IT and the end user.

The day-to-day work

As a government inspector in the field of administrative IT, you form the interface between IT and the end user of police authorities or higher state authorities. You will therefore be involved in many different areas of work. Here you will ensure that the varied and exciting administrative IT tasks run smoothly.

For example, you will be responsible for providing telephone or personal support to IT users with regard to advice on IT equipment or IT procedures and for recording and rectifying faults. Your future tasks will also include managing the IT service organization. The development of IT solutions, processes and infrastructures will also be part of your remit.

This is what we offer - that's why a dual study program with the NRW police is worthwhile!

Work-life balance

With us, you can plan your working hours flexibly and according to your individual needs. Flexible working hours, part-time models and mobile forms of work enable you to achieve an optimal work-life balance.

Fair pay: Earn money while studying? It's possible with us. Even during your training, you will receive an attractive salary - the so-called "Anwärterbezüge" are a standard gross amount of 1,305.68 euros per month. With tax deductions of approx. 53 euros during your training, this results in a net amount of approx. 1,253 euros. Medical expenses are covered to 50% by the allowance, the other 50% must be covered privately with health insurance including nursing care insurance from the day of employment, it is recommended to check the costs in advance. 
Career prospects: After successfully completing your studies, we offer you guaranteed employment.

The promotion positions of a government inspector in the field of administrative informatics are as follows:

  • Government senior inspector
  • Government official
  • Government Councillor and
  • Government Councillor and Government Councillor.

A further option for professional development is a part-time Master of Public Management course at the North Rhine-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration (HSPV) for promotion to career group 2.2 after successfully completing the selection procedure, having proven themselves for at least three years after obtaining career qualification 2.1.

Valuable knowledge

You never stop learning. We know that too, because with us you can choose from over 1,000 seminars for your further training! 
Healthy working: With our wide range of company health management offers, we ensure that you can actively promote your health while at work. Among other things, we offer you a wide range of sports opportunities.

Study abroad 

Would you like to study abroad? No problem! At the HSPV, you have the opportunity to complete part of your studies as a government inspector abroad at a partner university of the HSPV NRW. Instead of a project during your studies, you can also choose to study abroad in agreement with the hiring authority. This makes it possible to study abroad for up to three months. You can also complete an internship abroad in addition to the project phases; this is also possible for a period of up to 3 months in consultation with your hiring authority. Here you will find an overview of the universities where you can complete your studies abroad.

Sports funding

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia supports top athletes in the police force and offers you professional training as well as training and competition-oriented opportunities. The coordination and counseling of top athletes begins with the submission of their application. The aim is to enable training and service in harmony with training and competition.

When are you eligible for funding? 
The sport you are practicing should be an Olympic, Paralympic or Deaflympic discipline in the year you are employed by the NRW police. In addition, you must be a member of an Olympic squad (OK), perspective squad (PK), supplementary squad (EK) (alternatively team sports squad (TK) for team sports) or junior squad (NK 1 and NK 2). In justified exceptional cases, athletes who are members of a national squad or members of a corresponding selection team or another sport may also be considered.

Which areas are excluded from sports funding?

Referees, judges, coaches and official activities are excluded from sports funding.

In order for us to be able to check whether you are eligible for elite sport funding, please complete Form 3 in full if required. You can download the forms here.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110